Analog VS Digital Signal in ROV SYSTEM A signal is anything that changes with time and can be used to convey information. In most electrical systems, including those in ROVs and AUVs. Signal usually take the form of fluctuating voltages or currents in metal wires. In optical fibers, the signals typically consist of changing light levels. Many electronic sensors use analog signals to report an analog temperature sensor might generate 0.1 volts per degree Fahrenheit. If an output of 5.8 volts was measured from this sensor, and you knew the sensor generate 0.1volts per degree F, then you would know the temperature was 58F. Since temperature varies smoothly and continuously between different values, the output of this sensor would also vary smoothly and continuously. Digital signals use 0 and 1 to represent it’s value. In reality they usually take the form of a particular voltage being present or absent on a wire, or of light being present or absent in an optical ...